Friday, November 11, 2011

A few more booths!

A week after my first booth, I had my second booth, again with the GroWW committee, in Edmund Haemmerle's backyard. This was the day of the Garden tour, so people were going to visit the Haemmerle's garden.

 Mr. and Mrs. Haemmerle have been composting for several years, and are master composters; in fact, they also compost meats and bones as well! On the day of the tour, they were kind  enough to let me use their compost to demonstrate how composting is done.
Working with The Haemmerle was a wonderful experience and I learnt a lot from them!

First Booth!

My first booth was the West Windsor Farmer's Market. I had this booth with the GroWW garden tour committee. GroWW committee have garden tours every year to promote the home owners that have a garden in their backyard. I worked with the GroWW committee last year on soil conservation as my journey award; this is why I decided to work with them again this year as well.
At my first booth, I had much progress; over 10 people signed up to start composting!