Sunday, April 15, 2012

West Windsor Environmental Commission!

During my booths at the Farmers Market, I met Michael Hornsby from the Environmental Commission. We talked about the effects of composting and he invited me to attend one of their meetings. The meetings at the commission were really organized and they were very welcoming. We talked about Sustainable Jersey and how backyard composting could make West Windsor more sustainable. I attended a few of their meetings and took interest in their topics. While I was there, I met Rikki Massand, an editor for our local newspaper. Mr. Massand interviewed me and wrote a beautiful article  about my project in the newspaper! Being in the newspaper gave me a lot of confidence and made me feel as if I accomplished my goals of finishing my Gold Award and being a proud Girl Scout. Throughout this project, I learnt my strengths and weaknesses and a person and interacted with hundreds of people interest in the same field as me. I am glad I chose this project and went this far with it. Though my Gold Award requirements are done, I don't plan on stopping this project. I have carried this project to start a 4-H club called Treasuring The Trash! Recycling little things has become a part of my lifestyle and I will continue to do my part in preserving the Earth's beauty!


  1. Dhara - We're so glad you made such great connections at the West Windsor Community Farmers Market! Please let me know if you'd like to come back again this season! Chris Cirkus

    1. Mrs. Cirkus,
      I would love to come this season. Thank you for giving me the opportunity! I will get in touch with you and Mrs. Best!
