Sunday, August 4, 2013

4-H Mercer County Fair!

Today there was a fair held at the Howell Farm. This fair was a 4-H Mercer county fair where everyone from Mercer county brings his/her club activities to the fair and presents them. People bring different kinds of animals and do shows based on their training experiences. Then, awards are given out. Further, there are a lot of fun activities for kids to enjoy such as a magic shows, pony rides, creative artworks, learning about the tractors etc. Our club, Treasuring the Trash had our traditional composting booth as well as a rain barrel booth. We educated people about rain barrels with a slide-show print out and hand outs that Mrs. Rector gave to us.We also had our rain barrel for a silent auction and got pretty interesting bids!It's amazing to see how interested people are in conservation and sustainability.  We loved doing the silent auction and we will probably do it again next year. With the money that we earned, we will either donate it or use it for our cub fares.
This is a fun event because everyone in 4-H bonds and we learn a lot about each other. Everyone in 4-H is very diverse and has a lot to bring out.

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